The Training
History of Training
In the early 1980’s, a group of Irish spiritual companions/friends were trained and commissioned over two years by the ‘Jesuit Renewal Center’, Cincinnati, Ohio, to provide training for lay people in the art of companioning others on their spiritual journey and helping them to unfold their relationship with God.
As the trainings evolved over the intervening years, some graduates of the trainings formed into a movement called ‘Anamcharadas’ to challenge and support themselves in this ministry (see Vision Statement of Anamcharadas). The training itself is currently called ‘Anamcharadas Training’.
The ‘training’ imparts its wisdom and instills competence and confidence in its trainees by making use of:
- Sharing one’s spiritual journey
- Reflection on personal readings
- Journaling
- Developmental psychology
- Book reviews
- Presentations
- Role plays
- Triads
- Art
- Film
- Guided meditation
- Ignatian contemplation
- Lectio divina
- Dream work
- One-to-one and group supervision
- The Enneagram
- Ritual and creative liturgies
The learning environment is experiential and developmental, individual and group focused. The model of the spiritual journey is mainly that of Ignatius of Loyola; it also encompasses the wisdom of other spiritually gifted people.
Outline of Anamcharadas Spiritual Direction Training Programme
1 Retreat Opening Weekend
Sharing Life Journeys
2 Listening Skills
Assumptions and Presuppositions Underpinning the Spiritual Journey. Practice of Spiritual Companioning in Triads commences and then continues throughout the programme.
3 Models of Spiritual Development
Use of Art, Film, Journaling and other creative modalities in Prayer and Companioning
4 Role of Desire in the Spiritual Journey and Description of the early stages of the Journey
Person of Whim and Person of Law.
Introduction to Supervision, to assist the work of processing what is happening in the triads.
5 Touchstone and Grounding Experience of the Spiritual Journey
Principle and Foundation Experience in the Ignatian Journey.
6 *Learning how to value and discern the language of Dreams in Spiritual Companioning
7 Transition into Darkness
Opening up to Personal and Social Sin. Discerning Depression from Desolation.
8 Discovering I am a Loved Sinner
Forgiveness and Reconciliation Rite.
Team assessment and communication to each participant of their growth in Spiritual Companioning to date.
Summer Directed Retreat Recommended.
9 Enneagram
10 Hearing the Call to Discipleship
11 Inspiring People who are Living the Call
12 Deepening Relationship with Jesus and his Ministry through Ignatian Contemplation
13 The Call and Cost of Discipleship
Earth Consciousness; Connecting spirituality with nature.
Introduction to Transference and Counter-Transference.
14 Discernment of Spirits
Movements towards and away from God.
15 Exploring human and divine suffering through the Passion of Christ
Stations of the Cross
16 Exploring and Living the Meaning of the Resurrection
17 Finding God in All Things
Final Retreat; Contemplation for Obtaining Love.
Provisional Dates for 2024 – 2026 Programme:
Proposed training weekends – year 1
19/20 October
16/17 November
14/15 December
18/19 January
15/16 February
22/23 March
26/27 April
24/25 May
Proposed training weekends – year 2
20/21 September
18/19 October
15/16 November
13/14 December
17/18 January
14/15 February
21/22 March
18/19 April
16/17 May